Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Talk Derby To Me

At the butterfly show, and below, the 2 story butterfly on the building
Checking out the conservatory with Isabella
Hanging at the park

The neighbor's new puppy, Remington (Remi) and Hannah, becoming fast friends
The Easter Stash.  I wanted to put a trail of jelly beans from Hannie's room to her basket, but my dog likes jelly beans!
I think the holidays are being to run together for Hannie.  At the last of the 8 Easter Egg hunts she kept says Trick or Treat whenever she picked up an egg.

The other night at dinner, over a six dollar bottle of Sutter Home wine and Richard's pizza, my friends and I toasted the Royal Wedding.  (I am 90% happy for Kate Middleton.  The other 10% of me secretly hates her for stealing my husband and I know I have to make my peace with that).  Anyway, I guess Hannah saw the toast and liked it because now she raises her sippy cup and insists we "cheers" together all the time.  We cheers to waffles, to Clifford the Big Red Dog, to new shoes, to whatever she is feeling happy about that day.  Lately, we have been saying "Cheers to Kazakhstan!"

I am getting excited for Kazapalooza next month.  I went to KP last year, not really knowing what to expect.  Hannah was 10 month old, we had only been home since April.  I went because I wanted to meet some FB friends IRL, because I wanted Hannah to start getting to know some other kids from Kaz, but mostly because, having only been home 6 weeks, I was starting to feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of responsibility of raising an adopted child with special needs (correctable though they were) and I needed to be around someone, anyone, who could say: 

It's okay.  I've been there.  

  What I didn't expect was to connect so instantly, so wholly and primally, with so many of these families.  We Kaz families come from so many walks of life, and yet we are kindred spirits....Muriel...Lisa...Ann...Jen...Christy...Alaina, and all my other KazMamas...  It's a weekend free of stereotypes and judgment.  It's a weekend to celebrate forever families and forever friendships, no matter how unconventional they may be.  

Of course, KP is just one weekend a year, after which we all go back to our everyday lives, to the daily stresses of work, of doctors appointments, of a world where people stare questioningly at a blond woman walking though a mid-west grocery store clasping hands with a tiny Asian child.  But it is a weekend that renews us, validates us, sustains us, and inspires us to continue the crazy, fulfilling, unpredictable, wonderful journey that is adoptive parenting.

Cheers to that, Hannah.

I have a super great book recommendation for my adoption network friends.  It's called  No Biking In The House Without a Helmet and here is the synopsis:

“Love knows no bounds-and no borders-in journalist Greene’s ebullient valentine to her family of nine children. When their oldest son goes off to college, Greene and her husband, Donny, decide to repopulate their emptying Atlanta nest with a Bulgarian boy, then a girl and three boys from Ethiopia. Differences are embraced as the kids adjust: Never taught imaginative play, Jesse tries to beat a toy weasel to death with a broom; goatherd Sol keeps spears in the tree house. Greene doesn’t ignore her new kids’ roots, taking the Ethiopians to their homeland and not only locating one son’s grandmother but starting her off in the chicken farming business. “Who made you the Old Woman Who Lives in a Shoe?” a friend quips, but Greene doesn’t apologize. Instead, she shows what it means to knit together a family that “steers by the light …of what feels right and true.”
–Caroline Leavitt, PEOPLE MAGAZINE ****  

Oh yeah, and one more thing...IT'S ALMOST DERBY WEEKEND!! Time for mint juleps and fancy hats! My money is on Uncle Mo this year...


Tammy said...

I love the Trick or Treat and Cheers to Kazakhstan! Zachary still gets holidays confused a bit too. He still can't figure out why random days are birthdays and the rest aren't. And why again can't we have candles on everything we eat?

I know I've mentioned this before but Kaz families are about the most tight knit group I have ever seen and I am crazy jealous. So glad I have most of you as friends though, even if our kids don't have the same birth place.

BTW - Zachary LOVES the song Oklahoma! I can't help but think it's not just because it's a catchy tune.

qmiller said...

Erin: Oh, you make me wish we were going to KP this year! Loved meeting you and Hannie last year! Great post, as usual. Q.

McMary said...

Love the Hannie updates--she is just a doll. Cheers to Hannie!!

Kaz Mama's are one of the tightest groups I have ever met (even though I haven't met any in real life) and I am glad I get to keep in contact--even though I am a Russian Mama. Have a great time at KP.

Jennifer said...

I love the professional pictures of you and Hannie. You could have fooled me last year (and always for that matter). You looked like you had it all together, calm, cool, confident, and all the rest. I actually envied you a bit- young, beautiful baby, traveler, adventurer, close network (or so it seemed). You were one of the Mama's who totally had her stuff together and had a great sense of humor on top of it all!

I'm so bummed we won't get to see you both this year. We have family coming into town the 1st through the 7th. Gav and Hannah will just have to continue to get their fix through pictures. :-(

Lisa said...

Oh my sweet friend ~ this made me tear up again!! Okay, okay...I know that's no big surprise but like you, finding and making those kinds of connections at KP last year, was a bit of surprise ~ the very best of surprises! (I knew Lauren would make those connections, so for me it was just icing on the Kaz. decorated cake!) :)

You summed it up beauitfully and you KNOW we can't wait to see you both again ~ drinks by the pool and catching up galore! Not to mention lots of cute "littles" to make over!!

LOVE those beautiful pics ~ the one of you and Miss Hannie steals the show.....2 beauties together, for always.

"Cheers to Kazakhstan" indeed!!


Lisa said...

P.S. Just couldn't not come back to tell you that meeting you and baby H at KP last summer was truly a highlight and pure joy for me ~ as is our continuing friendship!!!

Much love!

Kelly and Sne said...

That's so funny! Perhaps she prefers Halloween? NO scare bunny? Miras will ask about Christmas once in awhile - like is it coming next. We also taught both kids to "cheers" early on and it is our nightly ritual too. Other parents look at us funny like we are teaching them to shoot tequila or something but it is a fun little tradition. (Though Miras did say once "Mommy you LOVE your beer don't you?") We can't wait to meet you and Hannah IRL in a month. There is nothing like the Kaz community for support and understanding when no one else around you seems to get it. And perhaps I should get that book as we've been thinking about a 3rd but Sne is only half convinced!

Unknown said...

Hi - I couldn't find a contact button or email on your blog. My husband and I along with a board of directors just launched a nonprofit last month to give grants to adoptive families (The Sparrow Fund - www.sparrow-fund.org). We're looking for adoptive family blogs to post about it to get the word out. If you have any interest, can you email me at mkraudy@verizon.net. We'd love to get you involved!