I can't believe the wedding is 4 months away!!! I can't wait. 4 months from now Matt and I will go from being each other's fiance to being spouses. A couple of married folks. Best friends for life.
The wedding, I am looking forward to. The wedding PLANNING however...That's another story altogether.
Every time someone asks how it is going, I say, "sort of all done" and then I looked at our knot checklist (first mistake) and we have 137 days and 136 things left on the list.
Don't get me wrong, I love, love, love being engaged. It is amazing. all consuming. overwhelming. fantastic. i am just not very "Bridal".
I am so thankful to my 5 wonderful bridesmaids who have gone above and beyond to help me with the planning process. 5 lovely women who have helped shaped my past, embrace each present, and influence my future. Every moment of my wedding will be better because they have been there, were there, and will be there.
Some details...
We are having two showers. One is an English "High Tea" planned by 3 of my bridesmaids, and one is a "wild and crazy couples shower" planned by a 4th bridesmaid and an awesome friend/neighbor. The 5th bridesmaid is planning the destination Bachelorette party in Chicago!!!
I haven't picked out my dresses for the showers yet, but there are a few strong contenders. I have a soft spot in my wallet for Lily Pulitzer, may she rest in peace.
Last week we got our rings, and with them came some very special words,which we are incorporating into the ceremony....
"These beautiful rings serve as a physical reminder of the feeling you have in your hearts at this very moment. There will be times in life when you will focus on things you have lost, things you don't have or things you have not yet accomplished. Yet as you look at your wedding band, let it speak softly of the great gift that you have been given today. Let it remind you of all that you have in one another. Let it remind you that no matter how difficult life may seem, you always have someone to share it with. Never again will you walk alone."

I can't believe it's almost here...
A year and a half of dating,....9 mos of planning.... A life time dreaming....Some details...
We are having two showers. One is an English "High Tea" planned by 3 of my bridesmaids, and one is a "wild and crazy couples shower" planned by a 4th bridesmaid and an awesome friend/neighbor. The 5th bridesmaid is planning the destination Bachelorette party in Chicago!!!
I haven't picked out my dresses for the showers yet, but there are a few strong contenders. I have a soft spot in my wallet for Lily Pulitzer, may she rest in peace.
Last week we got our rings, and with them came some very special words,which we are incorporating into the ceremony....
"These beautiful rings serve as a physical reminder of the feeling you have in your hearts at this very moment. There will be times in life when you will focus on things you have lost, things you don't have or things you have not yet accomplished. Yet as you look at your wedding band, let it speak softly of the great gift that you have been given today. Let it remind you of all that you have in one another. Let it remind you that no matter how difficult life may seem, you always have someone to share it with. Never again will you walk alone."

I can't believe it's almost here...
More details....
Something Old - My dad's rosary will be around my bouquet
Something New - My dress is new
Something Borrowed - My headpiece belongs to my bridesmaid Ashley (I was her MOH a few years ago).
Something Blue - My bridesmaids will be signing the bottom of my shoes with blue sharpie, my garter is also blue.

I can't wait to see Matt at the end of the aisle, and hear the words of our wonderful priest....
"Look at one another and remember this moment in time. Before this moment you have been many things to one another – acquaintance, friend, companion, lover, dancing partner, even teacher, for you have learned much from one another these past few years. Shortly you shall say a few words that will take you across a threshold of life, and things between you will never quite be the same.
For after today you shall say to the world –
"This is my husband. This is my wife."
I am really trying to keep things in perspective...
In the midst of blogs and Martha Stewart weddings it is easy to get caught up in the dress, the flowers, the invites. How to decorate the space of the ceremony as opposed to the ceremony itself. I am trying to remember what is REALLY important in a wedding.
The words. The declarations. The vow of commitment. To the person and to Commitment itself.
I can't wait to be A Bride. The Bride. His Bride.
More details....
We registered at Bed Bath and Beyond and Target (we wanted Ikea..WHY don't they have a registry?!). With a three year old in tow. Matt wanted to register at Bass Pro but I nixed that idea. It was frankly a painful experience for all. Matt kept looking longingly at the Buffalo Wild Wings across the street from the mall as I frantically googled "what's the point of a table runner." The only one who really enjoyed herself was Hannah, who now asks for a scanner gun anytime we enter a store.
Honeymoon...Couples Swept Away JAMAICA!!! We cannot wait. Having said that, we are traveling during the heart of hurricane season. We shall see.
Our stretches of time relaxing will be juxtaposed with adventures into land and sea. We'll be snorkeling, sailing, zip-lining through canopies, and biking through the jungle. Most importantly this will be a trip of two best-friends, learning about each other through placidity and adventure. That's all we hope our lives together will be and we are looking forward to beginning this new chapter together in paradise.
I am already in love with Jamaica.... As they say..... "Once You Go, You Know".

My "airport" day after wedding shirt
The Rehearsal dinner will be a Bravo, hopefully out on the beautiful outdoor patio, with Bocci ball and white twinkly lights and lots and lots of delicious Italian wine. I am over the moon excited! Our last party as "single". A dinner to celebrate with our wedding party and parents. A night of laughter and toasts before the best and busiest day of our lives.
As I think about my future. Our future. I am reminded that
It wasn't always dahlias and sweet peas.
There were some broken roads that lead me here.
Do I sometimes wish we were high school sweethearts? Sure.
Do I sometimes wonder why it took a frog or two before my prince? Sure.
I took the Long Way Around...but Here I am.
Did I learn more about me, myself, and I every step of the way.
I did.
What brought me here, brought me you.
What was before makes after so much better.
Couldn't change it. Wouldn't even try.
And now...back to earth. Weddings are ridiculously expensive, even with both sets of parents helping out. What did you all do? Which came first? The Budget or The Dream??

The flowers and the candy buffet mock up (in different colors).
I am all about the DYI aspects, the late night bridesmaid get togethers, and luckily I have some very crafty and generous friends. One is doing our cake for just the cost of the supplies, a teenage cousin who is very "techy" offered to video the wedding and reception. Another awesome friend made all kinds of super cute signs and decorations for the Lodge, and yet another friend is letting us borrow centerpieces, candles, "candy buffet" glassware, etc. from her wedding last summer. Did I mention we have amazing friends and family?!

The friendships and the family that we are surrounded by only make our relationship stronger. We have been showered with all of the love, happiness, and support of those we hold nearest and dearest. I am truly one of the luckiest women in the world to be held up, helped out, and loved by so many beautiful, strong, and inspirational people. My village is full and my heart is bursting.
And of course, there is Hannah. We need to talk about Hannah.
Because in the midst of hair trials, dress fittings, shellac manicures, invitation mock ups, who is sitting where woes and statement earrings, I still have a three year old. She is unsure of what is happening and grappling with the reality that her life is changing and no one asked her. Any advice on this would be more than appreciated. I have fear, but I also have hope. We are starting family counseling this week, and our therapist comes highly recommended. I am trying not to let our "what was" get in the way of "what's next." After all, change is what life is all about, right?

Such moments of joy and happiness about to come my way. Our way.
So many we have already had.
Life is changing
Forever, for the better.
Now on with the show :-)
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