Thursday, October 28, 2010

You Had Me at Privyet

 6 months ago today, I walked off the plane in Cincinnati, Ohio and began a new stage of life as Hannah's mom.  Tomorrow, she and I will be baking a cake together to celebrate our 6 month Hannaversary.  A big gooey pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting! 

As I stood in the kitchen this evening, checking to make sure we had all the ingredients, my mind wandered to a random day in October 2 years ago, when I began thinking about adoption.  I thought about, prayed about it, even made a pros and cons list.  There were lots of reasons NOT to do it.  I had just turned 27, wasn't married, didn't have a huge savings account, hadn't ever traveled outside of North America, etc. 

About this same time, I made a vision board.  For those of you who don't obsessively watch and quote Oprah, a vision board is a visual representation or collage of the things that you want to have, be, or do in your life.The purpose of a vision board is to activate the law of attraction to begin to pull things from your external environment that will enable you to realize your dream. By selecting pictures and writing that charges your emotions with feelings of passion, you will begin to manifest those things into your life.

On a whim, I added to my vision board a picture of a little girl with big dark eyes and a happy smile.    I put the vision board in my closet and didn't think about it much over the next few months, until I went to church and heard a sermon that spoke to my heart.  The message was this  Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them; They will not be ashamed when they speak with their enemies in the gate. Ps 127:3-5

That was a Sunday, and the following Monday, after much soul searching, waivering,  I made a decision. 

I chose to believe the universe unfolds perfectly as it should.  I chose to trust my heart, and I chose to acknowledge what is felt.   

I chose to make the leap, and find my wings on the way down.     

And she's here today because I did.

As I assembled the flour, the sugar, and the eggs, I gaze around and marvel at all I have been given.  I am blessed beyond measure, this much I know is true.  I have a wonderful home,  amazing friends, a rewarding profession.  But most importantly, I have my daughter. 
The rest, as they say, is just icing on the cake.

And for the out of town relatives.... who want to know every mundane detail.....
Hannah  recently had her 15 month well child visit.  She has grown another inch (she is up to 32) and is still in the 90th percentile for height. Still tall and skinny; I am buying her clothes in a size 2T, and pants fit length wise but are baggy in the waist.  She has 6 teeth and is starting to get molars in the back.  Her favorite books are Brown Bear Brown Bear, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and The Nose Book.  She recently starting biting, a habit which her pediatrician assures me is developmentally appropriate and will dissipate with age.  Her favorite toys are her kitchen set, her peg board, her easel (she LOVES to scribble), her shape sorters.  She is starting to show an interest in puzzles.  Her favorite foods are juice, rice, pizza, bananas, and Oreos.  She is not walking yet but definitely cruising. She loves to play outside.  She likes being around other kids, especially the neighbors, Dalton (her Kazakh buddy), Isabella Fening (her bff), Owen Craft, and Rebekah Mignery.  Talks all day long, has almost every phoneme.  She loves to brush her teeth and try to dress herself.  She throws a ball really well and loves to dance. This week we have gone to the Halloween Parade in Oxford, carved pumpkins with Papa, played in the leaf pile.  Happy 6 months in America, Hannie.  May you always walk with the grace and dignity that comes from knowing you are CHERISHED.


Jennifer said...

This is beautiful Erin!

Congratulations and happy 6 months. Hard to believe so much time has already gone past.

You are two beautiful girls, inside and out.

Kelly and Sne said...

Happy 6 mos anniversary! What a happy happy day. She really is the ultimate manifestation of your vision: the biggest, prettiest brown eyes and she always has a smile on her face. What a great update and photos. That's the cutest mohawk I ever seen.

p.s. I promised Miras that we'd make pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting tomorrow!

McMary said...

What a beautiful post. congrats on your 6 months together.

I did pretty much the same thing but suppressed my vision for years until I had a nudge (sign from the universe) that it was time. I was almost 20 years behind you as I was 46 when I decided but the wonderful end result is the same.
It is amazing.

From one little Hannah to another--Have fun with your Mommy and devour that cake.

Susan said...

i GOT GOOSE bumps reading this Erin. What a wonderful mommmy and person you are, and what a wonderful example you will set for your Hannie. I am amazed all she is doing at 15 months..WOW! She is one smart cookie!
Gratitude=happiness my friend.
what a beautiful blog post and what a beautiful person inside and out you and your girl are.

Lisa said...

Absolutely beautiful ~ I struggle to find another word, but instead I think I'll simply echo everyone else in saying it! Cuz I can't think of a better word for this post and you two ladies!! :)

I always love stopping "your place" for a peek at your gorgeous gal and always leave feeling a sense of peace and harmony ~ what a gift you have, to inspire us all with your grace, journey and heart. Such a big and joyful heart too!

And I think HIS timing is always just might not be the same for everyone, journeys might be taken at differing times or hardly resemble another's path, but faith always guides the way best and always brings us to the destination we were meant for all along! ( even if we doubted it or didn't realize it!)

Happy 6 mos. with your precious baby girl and thank you for letting us be a part of your daily joys through this blog!!!

Happy Halloween and enjoy that yummy delish cake!

Baby Kaz Moore said...

Beautiful photos!!!

Happy anniversary!

Hey, are you going to KP 2011? I think the Moore clan is going, and I was hoping we could meet ya'll.


Lou Ann said...

Great post Erin! Hannaversaries are the best!! Just think what the next 6 months will bring. Life just doesn't get any better when you have a Kaz princess in your life.

Have a wonderful first Halloween this weekend!

Lou Ann & Lexie too

Rayna said...

what a great post!! happy 6 months!! i can't believe it's been that long. love the pics!!

Tammy said...

Thanks for the link to your blog and Happy 6 Month Hannaversary :-) Again, your girl is so beautiful and so happy. Love the mohawk! I know you don't believe in comparing kids but she really does sound very advanced. Must be because she knows she's loved and feels safe - now she can concentrate on doing what toddlers do best, which is learn.

When you are ready to go for number two and if you decide on domestic, let me know. I'd be happy to chat!