Sunday, September 26, 2010

Boo-tiful baby!!!

Just wanted to write a quick blog to say THANK YOU to all those who donated to Walk for Kaz.  We raised over $10,000 and the money will go directly to 2 Hearts for Hope, to pay for new beds for a Children's Home in Taraz, KZ.  My awesome team, the Kazmanian Devils, won several awards, including most money raised, the team spirit award, the costume award, etc.  Yep, That's how we roll.  We had a great weekend in Indy as well.  Shauna and I drove down with the kids Friday afternoon.  We had a big group dinner on Friday, and then after the Kaz Kiddies went to bed, the Kaz Mamas gathered in the hallway of the hotel for wine and girl talk.  I hadn't seen some of my Kaz girls since 'palooza  way back in June, so it was nice to get to catch up with everyone again.  Saturday morning it was breakfast buffet at the hotel and then onto the park for the 5K.  Let me tell you,   I am not as in shape as I used to be!!!  Pushing a stroller up hills for 3 miles  when I could be inside watching Jersey Shore is not my cup of tea. Ah, the things we do for the ones we love!!  Note to self: next year volunteer to man the water table so as to avoid physical exertion, LOL!!
    When I got home Saturday night, I found out my mom had been admitted to the hospital!  She is diabetic and it may have been related to that as well as her sinuses.  Thankfully, she is home now and feeling moderately better.  Today we went with Jaime and the boys to the pumpkin patch at Barn and Bunk.  Since Hannie doesn't have siblings (yet ;-) ) its nice she has lots of cousin to hang with.  They loved it.  Last weekend we took all the kids to Whitewater Park, which was also a great time.  I can't say I loved the paddle boats, but the kids had fun at the playground, feeding the ducks, etc.
      Hannah also had a minor health scare this month, we had to take her to get a stomach X ray because she has trouble, well, pooping.  Luckily, there was no obstruction, but she had to have several enemas and  she now takes Miralax every other day. So far, it's working.  She continues to amaze me developmentally. She talks and talks and talks, geez you'd think her mom was a speech therapist or something!!  She is not walking yet (because of her foot) but she pulls to a stand and cruises.  She can also do a somersault, which I find strange.   She is even putting 2 words together!!!  Unfortunately, now that she is talking, I am finding that she has a lot of complaints!! She wants "mik" instead of juice, and says NO quite a bit.  She is  definitely hit upon an independence stage, she wants to feed herself (she does great with a fork and has proven to be an enthusiastic, if not particularly neat eater), dress herself, brush her (6!) teeth without help, etc.  14 mos is a fun age, but I have said that about all of them so far.  One more weird thing. Last night I had a very clear and precise dream that I had a second child.  She was younger than Hannah, and I named her Saylor Grace, a name I don't think I had ever heard before.  Ha!  That is all for tonight, to all of you out there in blog world, have a great week! ~Erin 


Kimberly said...

Great seeing you this weekend! LOVE the pics of Hannah at the pumpkin patch!

lisa said...

Love the little pumpkin!!!! she is adorable!!! I also like the name Saylor!!!

Karen, Glenn, Allie, Max, and Sam said...

Loved spending time with you! Hannah is the most photogenic child ever! Every picture of her is an award winner. Loving those pumpkin patch photos. So thankful your mom is home. We're still sending our good vibes!

Lisa said...

"boo-tiful" indeed!!! She is always looking right at you Mama and always with the biggest, happiest grin EVER!

This season is SUCH fun, even more so with little ones! So many pumpkin patches, apple orchards, little time!! :)

I'm glad your Mom is on the mend ...that's scary and the same for your precious baby girl!!! Both my sister's girls had similiar issues and in time they did outgrow it!! And at least one had the same treatment as Hannie I believe.

Finally....all I can say is WOW!!! Loved your team name *still grinning* and I SO want to join next year!!!

hugs to you both!!

qmiller said...

Erin:Love the pics of your sweetie at the pumpkin patch...adorable in orange!! Good going on raising so much for 2 hearts!