I know, I know, I need to update this blog more frequently. I am happy to report that after numerous document updates, my dossier is submitted and it is now officially time for...MORE WAITING. Apparently, according to agency, dossier submission is slow in the summer, as it also is in the spring, winter, and fall. Actually, I think this will be the hardest part, as the paperchase is now over and I can no longer keep myself busy with notarizing, apostilling, fingerprinting, etc. Basically, it's all up to Kazakhstan now. I have been going to some yard sales to get some baby stuff (um, why did no one tell how expensive little people are?) and although I know I should be buying the essentials, strollers, clothes, crib, etc. I am happy to report that I bought none of that but am now the proud owner of a Step 2 toddler roller coaster. Also, Jaime and the kids were here for a visit this weekend and Jacob had plenty of helpful suggestions for baby names. Some of his favorites were: Marcus, Roger, Roxi (also my dogs name, might get confusing), and Carmine. Hmmmm I will have to get back to him on those names. Anyway, just wanted to check in, more updates to come, hopefully soon!! Have a safe and happy 4th of July, everyone!