Friday, November 21, 2008


Hi Family and Friends!! Welcome to my adoption blog!!! I have created this site so that you can follow my on my adoption journey to the nation of Kazakhstan (formally part of the USSR)!!! For those of you who do not know, I began the adoption process in October 2008. It typically takes anywhere from 9-18 months. I will be updating the site with information and pictures both before I leave, while I am in-country, and after I return, so check back often!!! Feel free to sign the guest book, and thanks for reading!!!

1 comment:

Allison Leet said...


Just wanted to make you aware of FRUA - Families of Russian and Ukrainian Adoptions. We are a parent support group for families at any stage of adoption from Eastern European countries. When my husband and I adopted from Russia in 1999 I was in the FRUA chat room constantly. Now, 9 years later I am on the Board of Directors as the Advocacy and Outreach Chair. I search on blogs for international adoption to let parents know about our organization - we have a members only newsletter, annual conference on education which has been a life saver for me as both my kids have had some challenges in school as they were older, 30 months when we adopted them. Yes - Twins! Wishing you much happiness and future fulfillment as you start your adoption process. It requires a great deal of patience but is so worth it in the end. You can e-mail me at Best, Allison Leet